Percentage in reverse formula

The Percentage in reverse formula directly associates the known percentage (Y) and the provided percentage (P) with the original value (X). This calculation can be effectively carried out using the percentage in reverse formula:
X = ( Y P ) 100

Y out of what is P%?

Percentage in reverse or Y out of what is P%?, this concept is all about figuring out the original value when you know a certain percentage. It is like undoing a percentage calculation to find the full value from a part of it. This is really handy when you know, for instance, a percentage (Y) of an unknown value and want to uncover the whole value (X). This concept makes real-life tasks easier, like finding discounts or extra charges in shopping, or figuring out taxes and interest rates. Percentage in reverse is a powerful tool for financial and math problems where percentages matter. And do not forget, our user-friendly visual percentage in reverse calculator is here to help, making calculations a breeze.

Examples of percentage in reverse

Embark on a journey into the realm of Percentage in Reverse as we guide you through practical scenarios and exercises.
Example 1: Discounted Purchase:
  • You paid $80 for a jacket, which is 40% of its original price. What was the original price of the jacket?
Example 2: Contribution to Goal:
  • You have contributed $1,200 to your savings goal, which is 15% of your target amount. What is your savings goal?
Example 3: Salary Increase:
  • Your new salary is $45,000, which is 120% of your previous salary. What was your previous salary?

Percentage in reverse worksheet

1. 36 out of what is 80%?
2. 20 out of what is 25%?
3. 18 out of what is 60%?
4. 30 out of what is 25%?
5. 3 out of what is 20%?
Answer Key:
[1- 45, 2- 80, 3- 30, 4- 120, 5- 15]

Percentage in reverse calculator FAQ

What do you mean by percentage in reverse or Y out of what is P%?
Percentage in reverse or Y out of what is P%?, is a concept that involves determining the original or total value when you are given a percentage of that value. It is about finding the whole amount when you know a part of it represented as a percentage.
How do I calculate the percentage in reverse?
To calculate percentage in reverse, you can use the formula X = (Y / P) * 100. Here, X is the original value, Y is the known percentage, and P is the given percentage. Plug in the values in our visual percentage in reverse calculator to find the original amount.
In which situations can I apply percentage in reverse?
You can apply percentage in reverse in various scenarios, including sales and discounts, financial planning, interest rate calculations, taxation, and many other areas where percentages are involved.