Percentage change formula

The formula for calculating percentage change involves subtracting the old value from the new value, dividing the result by the absolute value of the old value, and then multiplying by 100%. The percentage change formula to calculate the same is
Percentage Change = [ Final Value - Initial Value | Initial Value | ] × 100 %

Percentage difference

Percentage change has versatile applications across various domains, from economics and science to healthcare and education. Learn how percentage difference concept quantifies relative variations, aids in comparisons, and plays a crucial role in analyzing data, making informed decisions, and improving performance in diverse fields. Employ our visual percentage change calculator for swift and accurate percent change calculations.

Examples of percentage change

Join us in exploring the realm of Percentage Change, where we will demystify the art of monitoring transformations using percentages.
Example 1: Inflation Rate
  • The price of a product increased from $50 to $60. What is the percentage change in its price?
Example 2: Website Traffic
  • Your website had 5,000 visitors last month and 6,000 this month. What is the percentage change in your website traffic?
Example 3: Temperature Variation
  • The temperature dropped from 80°F to 60°F. What is the percentage change in temperature?

Percentage change worksheet

1. The temperature of the city increased from 70°F to 80°F. What is the percentage change in temperature?
2. A website had 8,000 visitors last month and 10,000 this month. What is the percentage change in website traffic?
3. Gasoline prices decreased from $3.50 per gallon to $3.00 per gallon. What is the percentage change in gas prices?
4. Book sales increased from 800 to 1,000 copies. What is the percentage change in book sales?
5. The mileage of the car increased from 30 miles per gallon to 35 miles per gallon. What is the percentage change in mileage?
Answer Key :
[1- 14.28, 2- 25 , 3- -14.28 , 4- 25, 5- 16.66]

Percentage change calculator FAQ

What is Percentage change?
Percentage change is a quantitative measure that expresses the relative difference between two values as a percentage of the original value. Percentage change is used to quantify and communicate how much a quantity or variable has changed over time or in comparison to another data point.
Can percentage change be used with negative numbers?
Yes, percentage change can be used with negative numbers. It is a versatile measure that can quantify both increases and decreases, whether positive or negative.
In what situations should I be cautious about using percentage change?
It is important to be cautious when using percentage change with very small numbers or percentages, as they can be sensitive to small variations and may not provide a meaningful representation of the data.
What are the common applications of percentage change in business?
Percentage change is frequently used in business to analyze changes in sales figures, revenue, profit margins, market share, and other key performance indicators. It helps assess business growth or decline over time.
Can percentage change be used to compare data sets with different units of measurement?
Yes, percentage change can be used to compare data sets with different units of measurement, as it standardizes the comparison by expressing it as a percentage of the original value.