Reverse percentage formula

The reverse percentage formula to determine original value, often denoted as X, from a specified percentage P% of that value is expressed as:
X = ( Value P% ) × 100

Y is P% of what?

Reverse percentage, or Y is P% of what?, helps you figure out the original amount when you know a certain part of it. Think of it as a tool for working backward from partial information to uncover the complete picture. It is like solving a puzzle in everyday life, such as finding the regular price of something on sale or understanding how much tax you paid in a total bill. With our visual reverse percentage calculator, you can work backward from the percentage to find the whole amount. It is a handy math skill for making smart decisions and managing your finances.

Examples of reverse percentage

Explore the world of reverse percentages through practical scenarios, mastering the Y is P% of what? concept to uncover original values in real-life situations.
Example 1: Interest Earned:
  • You invest $5,000 in a savings account that offers a 3% annual interest rate. After a year, how much interest did you earn?
Example 2: Discount Calculation:
  • You find a shirt on sale for $30, marked down by 25%. What was the original price of the shirt?
Example 3: Tax Calculation:
  • You purchase an item for $150, and the sales tax is 8%. What was the price of the item before tax?

Reverse percentage worksheet

1. 72 miles is 18% of what ?
2. 150 feet is 20% of what ?
3. 24 gallons is 8% of what?
4. 45 minutes is 15% of what?
5. 50 pounds is 10% of what?
Answer key:
[1- 400, 2- 750, 3- 300, 4- 300, 5- 500]

Reverse percentage calculator FAQ

What is reverse percentage, and what is its significance?
Reverse percentage, is a mathematical concept used to find the original value or quantity when you are given a certain percentage of that value. It is important for various calculations, such as determining original prices and understanding the relationship between percentages and values.
How can I check if my Y is P% of what? calculation is correct?
You can validate your calculation by performing the reverse process, which involves finding a percentage of the calculated original value and verifying that it matches the given percentage.
How do you calculate reverse percentage?
The reverse percentage formula is X = ( Value / P%)×100, where X is the original value and P is the specified percentage.
What are some common applications of reverse percentage in business and finance?
Reverse percentage is widely used in determining pricing strategies, profit margins, sales discounts, and calculating various financial ratios.